Spaghetter Getter

writer | actor | producer

I’ve always found infomercials unsettling in a deep, hollow way. Watching them is like peering into a bottomless cavern as you stand on the edge. If you’re seeing an informercial, you’re watching television at a time when you shouldn’t, late at night, or in the middle of the day. You’re watching at a lonely time– a wrong time. You’re either sick, unable to sleep, or drunk. In short, something has gone badly for you and you’ve been greeted by the liminal space of television. The actors behave like space aliens mimicking human behavior, their problems so foreign it’s hard to relate. Who has a hard time cooking pasta? Who struggles with drinking soda? Are sponges too complicated? I was always interested in the struggler, the person in black and white, living a life of pitiful humiliation, unable to accomplish simple tasks without harming themselves and endangering others. That’s why I wrote Spaghetter Getter. A Vimeo staff pick, official selection of the Atlanta Film Festival and the Fantasia Festival in Montreal, it was a labor of love and care with wild results. Enjoy the film in either traditional or 360° viewing.

Directed by Jared Lapidus, Executive Producer Noam Harary (Gum Zoo Pictures), director of photography Jordan Parrott, starring Noam Harary, Julia Kelly, Krista Jensen, Julia Kelly’s house, Julia Kelly’s niece, and Noam Harary’s nieces and nephews.
