Kraft Mayo Reader

director | actor | director of photography

W+K has some of the freshest creative and this campaign was no exception. I love when agencies go out of their way to give their work extra depth, and as Mercury once again went into retrograde (it feels like Merc is always in ret) W+K not only had the timely idea of creating a Mayo Reader who could read people’s mayo spreads, but had also worked with an astrologist to develop a Mayodiac, complete with signs, compatibilities, and genuine personality insights. When I read the brief I got so excited. While I was submitting my treatment I also got a breakdown from my commercial agent to audition. It wasn’t until I had earned a callback that the agency discovered the director and the actor were the same person. It turned out to be a blessing as I caught COVID and had to produce the entire commercial in my basement, taking a turn as DP, camera op, gaffer, sound mixer, and food stylist. The final spot, and the accompanying 50+ response TikToks, are some of the most fun I’ve had making a commercial to date.

The campaign got some good press, including local morning news shows, of which a sample is included here with awful video quality. Also included are several of the Mayo Reading TikToks and just for fun a lil’ side by side of my boards and the final spot.

TikTok, Adweek, Thrillist


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