Anheuser-Busch: Know When To Say When
My first time back on set since COVID-19 hit, I was tempted to pass on the job, but when I saw the creative- that AB was bringing back the 38 year-old Know When To Say When campaign to add “Socialize Safely” to the existing message of “Drink Responsibly”, I wanted to be part of it. We wanted to make a spot that was fun, but normalized mask use and social distancing in bars. Safety was our primary concern, and my production team (literally) wrote the manual on COVID procedures on this job with systems that had countless safety measures and redundancies. All cast and crew were tested five days before the shoot, a team of safety officers was present to ensure proper distancing and procedures, meals were boxed and takeaway, hand washing stations were installed, and everyone was issued KN95 masks, gloves, and personal sanitizer, to name just a few of the steps taken to make the set feel safe. It felt good to get back on set, but it felt great to feel safe while doing it.